Rum Balls - Amanda Bowens Kitchen


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Sunday, June 18, 2017

Rum Balls

Some of my friends make chocolate rum balls every year for their holiday parties, and these sweet little bites are always the first things to go. Maybe that says more about my friends who always reach for the boozy treats first, but I can’t blame them.
These rum balls are as easy to make as they are to eat. They’re the original no-bake treat!
Rum balls are also really easy to adapt to your personal tastes or to what you have in your cupboard. My friend Joanne uses Nilla wafers in her recipe, and I’ve followed her lead with my own recipe. But I also know other folks who use gingersnaps, Oreos or even stale brownies.
I’m not sure who these people are who leave stale brownies around the house, but the point is that you can substitute pretty much any crumbled cookie or baked good in this recipe and expect good results.
Something else to play around with: the choice of alcohol in your rum balls! Any rum will work, so use your favorite. (Malibu coconut rum is great if you also plan to coat your rum balls with shredded coconut.) You can even mix things up with tequila, bourbon, or whiskey!
I like to roll half of my rum balls in dark Dutch-processed cocoa and the other half in powdered sugar so they contrast with each other in the cookie tin. You can also roll them in crushed nuts, sprinkles, or shredded coconut if you like.
Any way you make them, rum balls are a hit. They really are so easy and a guaranteed crowd-pleaser at your holiday party!

Rum Balls Recipe

Prep time: 15 minutes
Chill time: 1 hour
Yield: 36 pieces
Store your rum balls in the refrigerator. They become even better and more deeply infused with alcohol flavor after a few days.
Feel free to customize your rum balls by switching up the alcohol (rum, tequila, bourbon, and whiskey are all great choices) and/or by rolling them in a coating of your choice (nuts, coconut, sprinkles, sugar, or cocoa).


  • 1 cup (170 g or 6 ounces) dark chocolate chips
  • 1/2 cup (57 g) plus 1/3 cup (40 g) powdered sugar, divided
  • 2 tablespoons corn syrup
  • 1/2 cup dark rum
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 3 cups (310 g or 11 ounces) crushed Nilla wafers
  • 1 cup (110 g) crushed walnuts
  • 1/4 cup (30 g) cocoa powder

Read More: Rum Balls

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